back to school routines! with kids over and under 3
Decluttering Simplified now includes an entire course dedicated to simplifying your time.
Krista:Real quick, before we start this episode, I'm actually recording this part after
Krista:I recorded the first part because I recorded this episode and realized that
Krista:I missed a big part of back to school routines and routines in general when
Krista:you have kids who are, like three and under, but especially with kids who are
Krista:two and under, or if you have babies and toddlers or a baby and a three-year-olds.
Krista:And just how to approach these differently.
Krista:I'll share a little bit in these episodes coming up in this episode
Krista:as well about how I'm recently out of that season of life.
Krista:My youngest is three, she's actually almost four.
Krista:And I used to talk about routines often and simplifying your time and your energy
Krista:and your relationships and your self-care, and your fitness and your health.
Krista:Not all of those in depth, but creating simplicity in your life so
Krista:that you can focus on all of those.
Krista:And the thing that I forgot to mention in this episode, I'm gonna say it
Krista:right now, is that if you have babies or toddlers right now, your routines
Krista:are really centered around them.
Krista:That's just the way it is, right?
Krista:It's baby o'clock, it's toddler o'clock all of the time,
Krista:and it just is what it is.
Krista:And so trying to create a really rigid routine or schedule just
Krista:isn't possible for most people.
Krista:You might be somebody who can figure out how to do that, and if you are that
Krista:type of person, then you're probably not listening to this episode anyway.
Krista:But if you are somebody who's I just cannot, I cannot figure
Krista:out how to be consistent.
Krista:I cannot figure out how to.
Krista:Stay, stick to a CHO chart, stick to a cleaning routine.
Krista:Stick to.
Krista:Just basic things that I feel like I should be able to do, and
Krista:you have babies and toddlers.
Krista:It's not you.
Krista:It's not you.
Krista:It's just that I personally don't think that it's sustainable.
Krista:It's not an a realistic goal for the average person to try to achieve
Krista:unless you have a nanny or you have.
Krista:Family who lives with you.
Krista:And even then it's it's still baby o'clock.
Krista:And I wanna let you know that does go away, right?
Krista:You do get to a place where you can communicate with your kids
Krista:like, we have, this is the time for this and this is when we do that.
Krista:And this is when mom does this is when mom works out.
Krista:This is when mom works.
Krista:This is when we go to sleep.
Krista:This is when we do quiet time, right?
Krista:You do get to a place where you can do that.
Krista:And so consistent routines get easier.
Krista:But yeah, that's why I stopped talking about this kind of stuff for the
Krista:last several years on here, and I'm excited to start talking about it
Krista:again because when I am in that season of life It's just not possible and I
Krista:don't want you to feel bad about it.
Krista:There are things that you can do.
Krista:You've gotta be flexible.
Krista:I'll talk about it in the rest of this episode.
Krista:Simplifying your home, your stuff, your clutter, saying no to things.
Krista:And understanding that you're just saying no to things for right now.
Krista:You're not saying no to things forever.
Krista:It's taking things off of your plate.
Krista:It's prioritizing, it's having clear boundaries for yourself,
Krista:and that's what you can do.
Krista:So rather than focus on like, how do I get my kids to let me do things all the time?
Krista:How do I figure out how to do more of the time?
Krista:It's really about, I.
Krista:Doing less, right?
Krista:And especially in culture in like the United States and Canada.
Krista:We just aren't really taught that.
Krista:And I will also tell you that I think that sometimes it can go too far, right?
Krista:We can say, ah, just rest and recover, and then it turns into complacency,
Krista:which I also, am aware of for myself.
Krista:But when it comes to babies and toddlers you give yourself a break.
Krista:Don't expect the perfect routine.
Krista:Know that it does get.
Krista:Easier when your kids get older.
Krista:And other than that, enjoy the episode.
Krista:So thanks so much for being here.
Krista:Let's finish the rest of the episode where I talk about the
Krista:things that go into this episode.
Krista:And I just had to add this in real quick.
Krista:Let's talk about back to school routines.
Krista:So as I'm recording this, my family is still two weeks out from actually being
Krista:in school, and I'll just give you the ages of my kids and what's going on.
Krista:So I have one kid starting high school.
Krista:One kid's starting junior high and one kid's starting kindergarten.
Krista:The other one will be home.
Krista:And the other is my stepson, who is also in high school.
Krista:So we've got a lot going on.
Krista:One of them is doing football every single day.
Krista:The little two ones have gymnastics, possibly soccer, and then my oldest
Krista:daughter is finding all of the clubs that she can join for school.
Krista:So knowing that I am keeping our home routines as simple as possible and
Krista:focused on just getting the everyday essential things that we need to get done,
Krista:what this looks like for us right now.
Krista:I also wanna let you know where we're at right now and where I'm going.
Krista:I'll do a follow up episode to this maybe the first week of September
Krista:or middle of September after we've settled into the routines.
Krista:But I've done this enough times and if you listen to the last podcast episode,
Krista:you know that I have space to share this stuff with you while I'm in it now because
Krista:other areas of my life are simplified.
Krista:Currently when school got out for my kids, we wanted to have a very laid back summer.
Krista:This is the first time ever that my husband has been able to be
Krista:available for them because he's been able to work from home.
Krista:He, we just, we'd had that kind of a space, so we canceled all
Krista:of the sports for the summer.
Krista:All of the activities.
Krista:All of the everything.
Krista:And so we just wanted to be able to go to the park, when we wanna go to the park,
Krista:go camping, when we wanna go camping.
Krista:We took a trip down to Florida actually that was spring.
Krista:But anyway, it's been very laid back.
Krista:My big kids, if you have older kids, teens and preteens, they like to sleep.
Krista:My, they are not up before 11.
Krista:My little kids are up, but it's been like summer.
Krista:Major summertime relaxed, and it's been great.
Krista:But with that has also come a lot of being too, me being too laid back about
Krista:things like their chores, cleaning up their rooms doing our nightly resets.
Krista:We do them all right.
Krista:Like for nothing crazy is going on, right?
Krista:Like we're still able to like, have it easy to be in-house.
Krista:And it's not overwhelming for me, but.
Krista:I am excited to get a little bit tighter with our routines.
Krista:So for us, the essentials that we need to get done are my
Krista:kids cleaning the bathrooms.
Krista:And they don't know this yet, but they're gonna be doing the bathrooms every day.
Krista:Because prior to this, it's been like, we've been trying to figure out how to
Krista:get it so that the kids consistently clean the bathrooms, which is their chore.
Krista:And they just don't like, we're like, dude every Sunday, every
Krista:Wednesday, every whatever.
Krista:Writing it up on the board, like it just doesn't happen.
Krista:And so instead of making it twice a week, they're gonna be doing the bathrooms
Krista:every day until it's a habit because.
Krista:I don't remember.
Krista:I don't remember what day they're supposed to be doing it.
Krista:I don't remember who's supposed to be doing it.
Krista:It's too complicated.
Krista:And so one of the things that I teach when I talk about routines and like
Krista:chores and delegation, is just making it the same for everybody all of the time.
Krista:Like instead of a rotating chore schedule that gets too confusing.
Krista:It's not sustainable for me, and then I can't hold them accountable.
Krista:And then nobody does it.
Krista:It doesn't work.
Krista:So one kid does the dishes every night.
Krista:One kid sweeps the floor every single night.
Krista:They both do their laundry as needed.
Krista:They both clean up their rooms every night.
Krista:Bathrooms used to be twice a week, but now be.
Krista:It's been a year of trying different things.
Krista:It's just not working.
Krista:Bathrooms are gonna be every day.
Krista:So the first thing that I'm gonna be focusing on before school actually
Krista:starts is getting us into this routine, this rhythm again, of the chores
Krista:of Hey, it's nightly reset time.
Krista:Everybody's doing the nightly reset.
Krista:Hey, it's bathroom time.
Krista:Everybody's doing the bathroom.
Krista:So it's part of, it's gonna be a part of the nightly reset now for us.
Krista:Getting them back into that.
Krista:Things like keeping their rooms cleaned and all of that
Krista:so that those things are done.
Krista:Because when those things are done, everything else
Krista:that we have to do is easier.
Krista:Showers and baths are easier.
Krista:When school starts making their lunches are easier, getting homework done, all
Krista:of that stuff is easier when those things are taken care of because the physical
Krista:space in our home is easy to be in.
Krista:And because we have decluttered, by the way, Because our house is decluttered
Krista:and we don't have an amount of stuff that is unmanageable For us, doing
Krista:those things every day is really easy.
Krista:It's, adding the bathrooms in is probably, is gonna make it a little bit longer.
Krista:But it's gonna be like 25 minutes at the end of the day.
Krista:Dishes, sweeping bathrooms, pick up your rooms done.
Krista:Normally it's 15 to 20 minutes, but now with bathrooms it's
Krista:probably gonna be like 25.
Krista:Totally doable, considering that's all we have to do, right?
Krista:And the house is taken care of.
Krista:The, during our nightly resets is when we like pick things up off the
Krista:floor, put toys away, clean off, kitchen counters, all of that, wrap
Krista:up, loose ends, laundry, whatever.
Krista:And I do have other podcast episodes on the nightly reset.
Krista:I also teach it inside of my motherhood simplified course,
Krista:which is a bonus of decluttering simplified, which you can find in
Krista:the description or in the show notes.
Krista:So those are what we're gonna be focusing on.
Krista:And then for these next two weeks, leading up to school and getting back on
Krista:school schedule time, I'm implementing a bedtime again, I am implementing
Krista:more of whatever you wanna call it.
Krista:Rules around like screen time, tv, time.
Krista:TV's off at this time.
Krista:Everybody's in bed by this time.
Krista:I'm not gonna share the times because it's different for all of my kids.
Krista:I have one kid who just, he is a night owl anyway, but quiet time
Krista:in the house is what we have.
Krista:So nine o'clock quiet time.
Krista:Little kids are in bed, my husband and I can hang out and do our thing.
Krista:Everything's taken care of.
Krista:And that's the expectation now, so that they can also start getting used to
Krista:waking up earlier so that when school starts, they can wake up on time.
Krista:We can get everybody to where they need to go.
Krista:And that's at this point, All I'm focusing on.
Krista:'cause that's all we need to do, right?
Krista:That's all we need to do is get those things in place.
Krista:And I know that, I just have to worry about and it's a lot, right?
Krista:I just have to worry about.
Krista:Getting three kids to three different schools every day, and
Krista:then getting them home from three different schools every day.
Krista:Some of them are on buses, some of them are not.
Krista:Getting them home from their practices.
Krista:My son's got football every day, so getting him home from practice,
Krista:getting kids to and from their other activities that they have, right?
Krista:Because those do pick up.
Krista:That's all I'm worried about right now is just getting those things done and.
Krista:When your house is cluttered and you have excessive dishes, laundry, toys,
Krista:messes, just doing that bare minimum feels like a lot, feels chaotic.
Krista:It feels often impossible, and like you never get to a place where
Krista:you're really settled into a routine.
Krista:And that's why I'm gonna do this follow-up episode with you.
Krista:About the beginning of September to let you know how it's going, because
Krista:since my home and the stuff inside of it is reduced, like my kids have
Krista:enough clothes, but not too much.
Krista:My kids have enough toys, but not too much.
Krista:We have enough dishes, but not too much.
Krista:We have everything we need, but not an excessive amounts.
Krista:This makes our routines easier.
Krista:And that's what I want for you.
Krista:That's what I want for you.
Krista:There is no secret, there is no like chore chart.
Krista:There is no magical calendar that will help you manage too much stuff, right?
Krista:And I know that if you have a lot of kids or you homeschool or you have work
Krista:or you have this and that, like it.
Krista:You might have more things to juggle than I do.
Krista:Because I, my husband and I are juggling working from home, two of us working
Krista:from home, all of these kids moving in different directions all of the time.
Krista:So if you have too much going on, sometimes it's a matter of deciding
Krista:what you're going to let go of.
Krista:So I'll give some examples of things that I've let go of over the years.
Krista:Sorry, I had to pause and move away from my mic.
Krista:'cause my daughter.
Krista:Turned on her show behind me and then left.
Krista:Do your kids do that where they just walk in the room, turn on something
Krista:very loud and then leave the room?
Krista:She's back, but hey babe, I'm gonna turn this down just a little bit, okay?
Krista:But it might mean if you have, if your house is cluttered, for sure, you've
Krista:gotta figure out how to declutter.
Krista:There's a free training in the video or in the show notes here that you can get.
Krista:Also get into decluttering, simplify so that you can declutter your house.
Krista:But it could be that you have too much, you have to declutter how
Krista:you're spending your time, which is something that I also do very adamantly.
Krista:And I've been talking about these things in these last several episodes
Krista:about how I've done that and what that's looked like in my business.
Krista:And this podcast, up in this podcast and motherhood simplified over the
Krista:last three years that has looked like.
Krista:Not going live every single day like I used to be not holding free
Krista:challenges as often as I used to.
Krista:Not not talking about simplifying routines because when I had two under two,
Krista:there is nothing to talk about, right?
Krista:I'm just getting through it.
Krista:So sometimes you have to let those things go.
Krista:So those are some things that I let go in my business and let go as
Krista:far as motherhood simplified goes.
Krista:And I'm excited to add those back in because I have the
Krista:time and the space for it now.
Krista:But some other things I let go, like this year, normally I do like a vegetable
Krista:garden, fruit garden, flower, garden.
Krista:And I did none of those this year.
Krista:Honestly, because I.
Krista:At the end of the school year, like I mentioned at the beginning
Krista:of this, we decided to cancel sports, all of that stuff.
Krista:We were all pretty burnt out.
Krista:We were burnt out from sports school work schedules, and we needed that break.
Krista:And my garden takes a lot of time, so I didn't do that this year.
Krista:I'll probably do it next year though, but I did not do it this year.
Krista:I just didn't have the time or the desire or the energy for it.
Krista:And You might need to be making those kinds of decisions too.
Krista:What can you not do this year?
Krista:It doesn't mean that you're not gonna do it forever.
Krista:It doesn't mean that it's gone forever, in seasons of your
Krista:life, sometimes it's gotta go.
Krista:I let go of I also had this is hard to admit, hydro gardens inside
Krista:of my house that I was really excited about a couple years ago.
Krista:But then they became to be too much work for me in the season
Krista:of life that I was in, and I got rid of them and now I miss them.
Krista:And luckily I gave them to somebody in my neighborhood and maybe I
Krista:can talk to her about getting them back if she ever wants them.
Krista:I won't actually do that, I just, some things I had to let go of that,
Krista:let go of some of my kids' sports.
Krista:I let go of things like my gym membership and now I just work out from home.
Krista:And I know that I can always add things back in.
Krista:So after my kids get settled Anyway, my point is, you might need to
Krista:find things that you can say no to.
Krista:No, we're not gonna do this right now.
Krista:For example the other thing, oh, that, here I'm like, I lost my train of thought.
Krista:Here it is.
Krista:My youngest two do gymnastics and soccer.
Krista:That's the things that they like.
Krista:And so school starts in a couple weeks.
Krista:Gymnastics starts in a couple weeks, and soccer starts in a couple weeks.
Krista:And, my husband and I have been on board and been like, yeah, we're gonna do.
Krista:If they're gonna do those because they love to do them.
Krista:Especially my three-year-old, she's not gonna have her buddy around.
Krista:She's gonna be at, Kaleigh's gonna be at school.
Krista:So getting her into gymnastics and soccer is gonna be good.
Krista:But this morning I kinda had a moment of that sounds like too much for me, right?
Krista:Like everybody going back to school, high school, first
Krista:year, high school is a big deal.
Krista:First year of junior high is a big deal.
Krista:First year of tackle football is a big deal.
Krista:First year of kindergarten's a big deal.
Krista:Adding in soccer and gymnastics.
Krista:Just sounds like a lot.
Krista:And they have other rounds of soccer and gymnastics in October.
Krista:So why don't we just skip this session and start them in October,
Krista:which is what I think I'm gonna do.
Krista:So those are the kind of decisions that you can make as well.
Krista:Like maybe I, I'm not saying no forever, I'm just saying No, not yet.
Krista:Let's do one thing at a time and make this so that we can actually.
Krista:Get settled into it without burning ourselves out, because
Krista:I've done that in the past too, and I just don't wanna do that.
Krista:I don't wanna do that.
Krista:And you don't have to do that either.
Krista:So that is it.
Krista:That is our simplified routines.
Krista:Right now, it's just focusing on everybody getting asleep on time,
Krista:getting the bare minimum done, and getting everybody adjusted into the
Krista:things that they need to be adjusted in.
Krista:And while we're doing that, I'm also.
Krista:Making time for my marriage and making time for my work stuff.
Krista:And doing that for my husband too.
Krista:'cause he is got his own needs and his own work stuff.
Krista:So there's a lot to manage.
Krista:There's a lot to juggle.
Krista:And I.
Krista:That's how we're doing it.
Krista:I will follow up, let you know how it's going, how we're settled in, and
Krista:what we decide for all these other things that we're gonna do in our life.
Krista:But best of luck to you during this back to school season, whether you homeschool.
Krista:I know that's also an adjustment, it's a different adjustment.
Krista:A reverse adjustment than most people.
Krista:But best of luck into settling into interior routines.
Krista:You can do this.
Krista:Focus on the bare minimum, declutter your house if you haven't, because
Krista:that will help make everything easier.
Krista:And I will talk to you soon.
Krista:Also, if you get into decluttering simplified, it will help
Krista:you declutter your house.
Krista:And now included in a bonus in it as a bonus is the motherhood simplified
Krista:course that goes deep into routines and rhythms and habits and self-care
Krista:and relation, simplifying your relationships and finding mom friends,
Krista:setting boundaries, delegation, all of that is inside of that course
Krista:now, so you can go to the show notes.
Krista:Find the information for that if you're interested in joining,
Krista:and I will talk to you soon.
Krista:Thank you so much for listening and hanging out with me today.