One thing you need to do if you want to successfully declutter your home
Enroll in Decluttering Simplified
1:06 - the thing you have to do.
3:00 - general rules of thumb
3:13 - 1st rule of thumb - do your stuff first. Lead by example.
5:32 - example of why you need to do your stuff first.
6:34 - 2nd rule of thumb - be mindful of their ages and stages of development
8:03 - Decluttering simplified the course
8:37 - 3rd rule of thumb - adjust your expectations around their timeline.
11:17 - 4th rule of thumb - proactively moving forward in a new way with what is coming into your home on a regular basis as well as how often you are intentionally letting go.
13:44 - release your clutter like a powerful mother challenge in the Facebook group happening May 3-10th!